Play Dead
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
When the world's most unsociable, apathetic morbid guy, Leo, gets plagued by his persistent, pestering, energetic neighbor, he is convinced it can only be a recipe for disaster. Joy's determination for them to become friends eventually pays off however and Leo never regretted being more right, not ever in his 500 years of existence...
16 Chapters
2018-12-03 23:11
poor dog. watching its beloved owner die. so sad T^T
Kelly P: But he was the one who ran into the road, which made the owner run after it. Trying to keep him safe.
azu0.0: that grim reaper ish fuking handsome xD
2018-12-03 23:21
He looks hot though....
Npauj Npaim Jaittli Vang: Why are all the assholes and rich people hot and so beautiful.It's no fair,but in this comic someone who you can only me...
pcy.exol: eomma suho😍💕
Visitor 72499
2018-12-04 0:27
He looks a little like kaneki from Tokyo ghoul
XxX Follow me hoes😒: Mr. death: who the hell asks for a death wish?! Me: um...so can u make sure there's food at the funeral o and if dead p...
Haisha Ting
2018-12-03 23:20
I feel bad for them dog
2018-12-04 3:1
death looks hot af
Vanessa Natali: really hot!!
Alice Jordan
2018-12-04 7:15
He looks really hot..
Pusheen 😃
2018-12-04 0:24
Well we all know you're gonna keep the dog anyways~ obviously you're going to do the favour she asked of you :)
Alice Jordan
2018-12-04 7:16
I really feel bad for the dog..
Long Gone Shadows 17
2018-12-14 20:57
That's so sweet she cares about her dog so much that she asked death to watch him.
2018-12-19 18:39
already a cute boy in the book