Embrace My Dragoness
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
The sudden appearance of the raccoon man, the strange death of grandma and the mysterious fortune telling house... All of these show that something unexpectedly has happened in this town. Why did grandma passed the fortune telling house to Silver Baen? Is the girl with the horn on her head trustable? The gear named Fate is starting running. How many secrets are still behind this house...
65 Chapters
cutie present here
2019-02-12 12:2
she cares about him alot😊😊
greeshil.g.r.g💞weby: hmm
toomanybiases 2580: I LOVE YOUR PFP OF SEHUN
2019-02-12 12:25
Can he see other creatures because of the talisman that his grandma gave him?
Argentminx Resident: I think that his powers may been bound while his grandmother was alive, but when the talisman was needed his grandmother...
2019-02-12 12:28
woah! this just shows that people can be blinded with money. but sad that all they care about is gold more than their own mother. tsk tsk
Alexandra Rosethorn
2019-02-12 13:17
Me when I see a girl with horns and a human racoon :"seems legit"
Reaper13 : Just an ordinary day after all
2019-02-12 12:58
lol he needs a gf its seems that's an elf may be 😮cool!
~Nyaw(It's Happy!)~
2019-02-12 14:54
Nice kick girl,i already love it
Visitor 73483: I SHIP IT SO HARD NASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (no and yes)
cool camille
2019-02-12 22:13
ya..go boy go..run... find her.... 😏
The Dragon Beast
2019-02-12 12:7
2nd nani?!
Visitor 73483
2019-03-19 2:26
still can't get over it (T_T)
2019-02-12 12:59
Such a good comic UwU