Head Upon A Devil
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Walton Ran, brings her the most terrifying memories in her life. Falling for her crazily, he uses every violent way to make her obedient. As a result, the deep love finally turns into the desire to ruin everything; Being scared of him, she runs out of all her wisdom to escape from him until she falls into despair. Risking his life, he tries his best to get freedom for her, meanwhile, to stop him from getting into trouble, she gives up again and again, and finally, she firmly chooses to stand by him forever.
104 Chapters
I wannabe a dancer
2020-07-22 3:4
How do those robes stay on because with the way I sleep the robe would end up on the floor. How come everyone in comics sleeps perfectly🤔🤔
Sapphire_4368: first of all it's a comic, nothing is impossible
ars-m0r13nd1: That's a mood right there. I have night terrors every night so I toss the sheets off and flail around in my sleep
chika chika B)
2020-07-22 3:6
she can sleep :o.its 3:30 am here and I am still a night owl ;-;
Visitor 94629: same. its 5AM yet I can't sleep
Eli D'cruze: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😌🤧🙈
Comics World
2020-07-22 9:28
she's kinda dumb like sleeping in stranger's house really??
Wafflez: she doesn't have much of a choice, and it kinda seems like they may know eachother from the past based on how he reacted...
Sucuklu Ekmek: yeah I think too even if she knows him think girl they take you by force and she just blush then I said ok......
Im hungry for kpop videos
2020-07-22 12:29
Everyone talking about the clothes but I’m wondering how the hell that tub so HUGEEE
Visitor 66784: Imma guess you’ve never been in a fancy hotel
Baka Boi
2020-07-22 16:37
wtf are they saying? my heard hurts with all the improper grammar
Meli Sayre: agreed sometimes I feel like I'm having a stroke reading when reading a sentence
IssaCorpseParty: Dude, same.
Love Angel $❤
2020-07-22 5:17
So how do you know him... girl??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Suzi Dezon
2020-07-27 4:13
well i think something is decently wrong with him
2020-07-22 16:51
i want to know the past
Merie Vids
2020-07-22 21:49
Creep much he just staring at her while she sleep
Yunis Alarcon: yeah
2020-07-22 6:55
ooolala I don't think he is as innocent as he says he is