Money Bun and Goggily Goo
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
A short satyriastic fellow with no self control and his satyriastic supportive husband get lost in a basement with a homophobe, countless squatter bug demons, a plethora of mimes and mime adjacents, three dubious priests, several outfit changes and a butler.
115 Chapters
- ~Rise and Shine~
- ~Surprise Package~
- ~Nice Gift~
- ~Squeaky Clean~
- ~Shower Talk~
- ~Clothes Capers~
- ~Light Fright~
- ~Playing Around~
- ~No Money~
- ~Tread Carefully~
- ~Pass Out~
- ~Relax Now~
- ~Breakfast Time~
- ~Car Ride~
- ~Day's Work~
- ~Fun Times~
- ~Day's End~
- ~Lost and Found~
- ~Uncle's Manor~
- ~Screeching Halt~
- ~Warm Welcome~
- ~Drinks Ahoy~
- ~Very Small Talk~
- ~Bathroom Break~
- ~Strange Figure~
- ~Rescue Mission~
- ~Run Away~
- ~Dirty Business~
- ~Strange Noise~
- ~Face Off~
- ~Safe and Sound~
- ~Gift Accepted~
- ~Volatile Vision~
- ~Get Away~
- ~Demons Afoot~
- ~Head Spinning~
- ~Waiting Around~
- ~Wide Awake~
- ~Breakfast Time Again~
- ~Clothes Chest~
- ~All That Fits~
- ~Fire Arms~
- ~Plan Of Action~
- ~Behind Bars~
- ~Stone Dead~
- ~Big Ol Lie~
- ~Thinking Back~
- ~Perfect Bait~
- ~Trees Are Watching~
- ~Mysterious Cave~
- ~Stay Close~
- ~A Good Idea~
- ~Lil Trickster~
- ~Set Free~
- ~Secret Passage~
- ~Tumbling Down~
- ~Snow Joke~
- ~Mime Time~
- ~Need A Hand~
- ~Lil Chat~
- ~Face to Face~
- ~Odd Request~
- ~Snatch and Run~
- ~Give Chase~
- ~Mini Mime~
- ~Lil Friend~
- ~Playing the Fool~
- ~Steal My Face~
- ~Mini Marshmallow~
- ~Gear Up~
- ~A Thought~
- ~Strange Noises~
- ~Derek's Mind~
- ~Strange Room~
- ~No Interest~
- ~Mysterious Figure~
- ~Master Is Here~
- ~Not Yourself~
- ~Time's Up~
- ~Disappearing Act~
- ~Not Done Yet~
- ~A Different Approach~
- ~Lucky Shot~
- ~Hidey Hole~
- ~Leg It~
- ~Improvised Clothing~
- ~Take A Tumble~
- ~A Hoo And A Hee~
- ~One Stop Shop~
- ~Bartering Skills~
- ~Goggle Pop~
- ~Helpful Box~
- ~Trap Or Not~
- ~Tread Lightly~
- ~Stopped Dead In Tracks~
- ~Remember When~
- ~On The Edge~
- ~Hiding And Hoping~
- ~Run And No Gun~
- ~Soft Landing~
- ~Snug And Cosy~
- ~Waking Shriek~
- ~Gathering Thoughts~
- ~Techie Time~
- ~Zip N Zap~
- ~Slam Down~
- ~Perfect Fit~
- ~Working Together~
- ~Going Up Now~
- ~No Mime~
- ~Mime Message~
- ~Mime Rage~
- ~How About Down~
- ~Fun Break~
- ~Flaming Pants~
K Johnson
2022-07-30 18:39
I love the art but the words are a little hard to read
Retro Teavee: yeah these are old pages.. if I had time I'd go back and fix them up.. sorry about that! maybe at some point I will.. gl...