My Neighbor Loli
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Kia is trying to be close to her new neighbor Felicia who is a foreigner but it seems like the kid is distant. Despite her cold and bratty attitude, she tries to get a long with her maid and helped Felicia make friends with Zuri and others.
8 Chapters
2019-03-28 2:15
"I have a Better one" 😂🤣
Crystal poop: i mean it works better ....... right?
❤Ashlynn❤: I love that part xD
2019-03-28 0:9
Loli puppy dog eyes* make sure to follow me 😘😉
Jakayla: How do u follow
Yuri Kid Yuri Life
2019-03-28 2:39
I'm getting annoyed by the straight people here DUDE THIS IS A GIRL LOVE SHE OR HE JUST MAYBE FORGOT TO PUT GIRL LOVE if this was a girl and a boy love it would have been there a boy by now and the gitl crushing on him like damn these straight people these days whenever they see a comment GL LOVE they like wait is this a GL LOVE?!?!? =-=
Plapert: Also, looking back on the comments until this point, I have only seen one person so far who has asked something close to...
Plapert: I see why you might get annoyed, but passing the blame onto just straight people is just plain rude. I'm sure everyone w...
2019-03-28 2:19
nani just happend?..
2019-03-28 0:36
wrong location hahahahaha
2019-03-28 3:5
"For f*cks sake Conner! not again!" ...... dEtrOit bEcoMe huMan?
Straymoon: 28 STAB WOUNDS
Luny Cipres: ikr!!! that's the only thing I could think of
Lover of the Yaoi
2019-03-28 0:59
loving the little loli
2019-03-28 0:7
what happened 😶
Visitor 03460: That’s true what happened
Hungry Bug-Cat: i think the police is a reference to Terminator where the maniac a.k.a terminator is harassing (trying to kill) a minor ...
2019-03-28 12:50
literally summoned a thunderstorm with that tazer
Emu Angelwings
2019-03-28 0:2