Revelation of Eros
Frequency: 2 ups/month
Update Schedule: Sun.
Eros doesn't want friends, and he doesn't someone special. He wants to be left alone. Starting university in the United States after living in the slums in Mexico his entire life, he must traverse an entirely new world while keeping everyone at a distance. But, no matter how hard he pushes everyone away, there's one boy who keeps getting closer.
125 Chapters
Nico Ju
2019-06-16 22:25
His face when he was called A sex friend was epic I say... But the encounter with Eros was akward as shit... But I do like the color and hair style of him... I wanna make my hair green..
lucymoose08: He should dye his hair a different color every day! If he can pull off green, he can pull off anything!
Npauj Npaim Jaittli Vang: did anyone notice Galen's group of colorful bands that made it look like a rainbow on his arm/wrist? I mean, if that isn...
little_chubby donut
2019-06-16 22:23
my heart melted when i saw that innocent smile!!!!
themeanmeat: I feel bad for eros' childhood😭
2019-06-16 22:30
So cute 😍
2019-06-16 22:46
Emmett had a bisexual flag on his arm in the falshback , does that mean he is open about he's sexuality or just a coincidence ?
sammybanany69: Wait he did???? Omg
2019-06-16 22:48
I live for the chupacabra! And this episode is hilarious 😂
2019-06-16 23:49
Eros's first impression is me when my mom says I have to make friends bc I can't just be one kids who always stays to themself and acts all quiet and depressed
MBI: More or less same for me. 😂😂
2019-06-17 1:29
why does Galen reminds me of Deku
Ivan Ivanovich
2019-06-17 5:23
yo im gonna throw down with those guys he gave money to like they arent even friends theyr freaking trash gremlins that probably smell like they crawled out of the crusty sewers of hell. good story and quality art tho👏👌
boys love?? CaLl Me
2019-06-16 22:48
leave a like if u love the comic
2019-06-16 22:58
That is a hell of a first meeting 😂😂