The World for Your Smile
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
The heartbeat at the first moment we met, the trust when skin to skin, the story stars from these moments... The peaceful life of the doctor went to a unknown situation. But the embrace of this moment will be forever? The encounter was carefully designed by "the devil", but "the devil" cannot control his heart from now on... When the thin ice of love is broken, all good things changed into lies, where will they go...
25 Chapters
💞💝 Hatsunemiku💝💞
2019-08-22 6:16
Hey doc, don't suck that thing 😉😉
Yes...I'mjustapotato: oh my god I just got dirty minded..😂
Visitor 61974: first p#ssy , second, d#ck , daf#q ?!
Le Sauce
2019-08-22 6:7
lol! i volunteer as tribute
Sketch/Reyna: xD katniss is that you?
Kim Taehyung the tiger: Peeta: Katniss is that you?
2019-08-22 6:13
ohh my poor heart 😥 just look at that face 😭
2019-08-22 11:31
wow, you make a person cry and then ask him to suck.. how impressive 😉😈
i’ll sleep later: That is LITERALLY HOW RELATIONSHIPS WORK!!!...tho i wouldn’t mind a piece of that...
romance rules
2019-08-22 8:2
2019-08-22 6:10
He is blushinggg~
2019-08-22 14:33
when he thinks about rabbit..reminds me about lan zhan n wei ying from Mo Dao Zu Shi
Darling 02: LOL same😂
Dear Diary,
2019-08-22 6:59
Oh my! 😍
2019-08-22 11:29
obsidian_dragon: Love your name it’s very descriptive. I see myself when I read it
Ckls Chichi
2019-08-23 0:23
the person who will walk by will see this and will have two choices 1.) is to turn around fully and speed walk 2.) die from blood loss for watching too long i pick two