Coin to Your Heart
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
The confession slipped out before him realizing. And when he think it can’t be any worse, it turned into a bet on two sides of coin? "If it's head, we're lover. And if it's tail..."
15 Chapters
Techno Nick
2020-04-24 23:34
You must have a death wish you little coin. How dare you do that to my ship.
littleSoul: I couldn’t even tell what side that was 😂 dumb*ss level: 1000
ShUt Up !!!😒😒: yah why does that damn coin not ship them?!😢he already plucked his courage to confess!that damn coin is such a bish😐
Moody Libra😎🙄😅
2020-04-24 23:37
poor guy
Yeet is: I feel like their gonna get separated and reunited in high school that legit would be great
Moody Libra😎🙄😅: yeah
Ginger Katherina
2020-04-25 1:38
That's sad, but drives the plot forward. I'm intrigued
my name🌙✨
2020-04-25 13:13
Oh no poor guy! What a bad day... now he’s being kidnapped by the police alas
Chan Hua
2020-04-25 2:57
oh crap that was interesting! being questioned by a pulis office and you gotta tell them how epic you confessed! 🤣🤣🤣
Chan Hua: it is!! 🤣🤣🤣
Shoto X Midoriya
2020-04-25 0:29
dang that really sucks
fusjoshi girl
2020-04-25 11:3
that idiot police man 😾😾
2020-04-25 16:41
Ohhh por guy he is depress but a problem/trouble came up!!
2020-05-06 6:55
oh man! ahahha thats really cute i hole my ship will sail :>
SHIPPER ğÏřŁ: hope
BL Queen 4life
2020-04-25 1:42
lol I'm dead