Eternal Love
Frequency: 2 ups/month
Update Schedule: IDK
Zean, the god of thunder fallen love with Peterdan, the prince of fairy kingdom he tried to get the prince to move to the garden of the gods, but he was rejected. Zean will not give up on him, he will do anything to win the love of the prince. Will the prince fall in love with him ?
7 Chapters
2020-06-16 0:35
Um sir can you stop being so handsome
gyu: I don't think he can
Animecross: Um sir can u stop being so handsome you're blinding my eyes
Luna lone wolf 🦚
2020-06-16 0:1
go take care of him he is gonna need some treatment
2020-06-16 16:10
*shAvEs hIs beArEd* why does it make him look old-
gAy~: Your name tho- I can imagime them shouting that 😂
BL fans
2020-06-16 0:19
Darn the male gods are like 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤.. So handsome..
2020-06-16 11:51
Bl is so X,,,,X
2020-06-16 19:1
wait if you're hit by the love Arrow thing is it the first person you see you will fall in love with⁉️.....well this keep geting interesting😶😗
Debdyuti Biswas
2020-06-18 17:8
duh..!! boring😐😐
Denise Sanders
2020-06-23 14:41
I what more of this book
Visitor 18499
2023-12-30 17:45
Lucio Lala Adelaida
2020-06-16 0:8
see more ok wow