The Secret Garden
Frequency: 2 ups/month
Update Schedule: IDK
Bibi wakes up in a world devoid of life. She doesn't know why or how she got there, but in the middle of this desert she desperately flees from a big red spot that destroys and consumes everything in its path. Bibi understands that her only chance is to reach a mirror that shines on the horizon. However, before she achieves this intent, she is buffeted by sad memories of her life and is confronted by a copy of her, similar in appearance to her as a child, which appears to be corrupted by pain. This sad version of her is full of hate and drives her to give up. Before she was consumed by the redness another version of her, this time more mature, appears in the light and takes her safely to a beautiful garden. The secret place. There, she glimpses happy memories and so many others with bittersweet taste. As nemesis his two copies clash in a discussion for Bibi's reason and heart. Which one will she hear?
9 Chapters
lê Daisy
2020-11-10 22:29
Awesome!!!! Wonderfull!!!
Ro Hanata: you are Thank you so much Daisy
Ruthy Morales
2020-11-11 1:3
I wonder where this is all going!! It makes me sad, but at the same time, I can't wait to find out what is in store. This comic is so beautiful and so different!!!! I already love this cinnamon roll!
Ro Hanata: why makes you sad? What did you like in this chapter? Thanks for being here with us Ruthy. Thanks for the compliments. A...
my fantasy world💝
2020-11-11 6:37
our FL is really strong you don't worry girl , we got your back😄
Ro Hanata: Thanks for that And which part of the story do you like the most? Or wich character?
2020-11-11 9:47
I WOULD HUG HIM TIGHT FOR ABOUT 5 MIN. that is if he can survive it I'm a really tight hugger.heehee
Ro Hanata: Aw that's cute. I think he wouldn't expect that but I guess he would like
2020-11-12 0:38
Nice!! I wouldn't know how to feel, If my crush asked me out.😳
Ro Hanata: Hug him for 5 minutes like KendraT Well... I know it's complicated Thanks for the comment. We really apreciate
Visitor 80807
2020-11-12 18:32
I would be smiling so hard if my crush asked me out lmao
Ro Hanata: I hope that happens some day
lê Daisy
2020-11-16 1:19
petúnia 5
2020-11-16 17:43
Its reflects in us, there are moments that our mind only produces sadness, and we do have help as the comic to look at what is still good in us, and around us. Bibi I'm here rooting for you. loving! Come Chapter 5!
Ro Hanata: Thanks for the comment. We really apreciate Chapter 5 is coming soon. Hope you like it
Ro Hanata: by the way... Where are you from?
2020-11-20 20:15
I would probably run away no cap 😂
YouAreNotAlone!!!: the I would run back and say "took you long enough cutie "
2021-05-23 19:43
I don't have a crushhhbb haha