Cain and Mabel (A Pokemon Story)
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
A zorua and a fennekin, living in the wild keeping away from the humans and hanging with their friends and maybe fighting some baddies along the way? You can take your pokeballs and shuppet, Cain and Mabel don't need a trainer when they have each other. Writers/Creators Rhys Horton and Squirrelkitty Guest Writers/character creators Daniel Kalban, Cameron Jordan, GogoLeysachan, Haley Reid You can support us at Patreon to see even more stories fanverse and original: https://www.patreon.com/scapregoatcomics
40 Chapters
2021-09-15 12:27
The Weedle is so cute
Visitor 41331: thank you, weedella will be a recurring character
オオカミ王の目Ōkami-ō no me
2022-02-20 7:49
oh so now you trust the Dark type pokemon now because he saved you
Visitor 01875
2022-12-23 19:30
I think the drawings are amazing
Visitor 80179: pwedy