Friki Romance
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Chris and Leo meet in a Comic-Con of their town, but after that, they could not contact anymore… until Chris arrives to the same residence than Leo, and even the same room! But things are not as perfect as they seem… Would they be good friends, after all?
30 Chapters
2021-10-11 8:22
Nagisa, how dare you break the cute moment...!
Itaimatsu: Chris was successfully stolen from Leo hahah
2021-10-07 14:23
Looking forward to next chapter! ❤️
2021-10-26 4:36
Is it his gf who hates LotR?? How can a relationship last with a monster? lol
Tbnr_girl09 playz
2023-04-06 6:12
yeah how dare he brake their perfect moment😒😟