The Town Without Laws
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
------------------------------ Meet Jack, a young rancher in the middle of nowhere who dreams about becoming a star. However, when Jack gets the chance to pursue his dream as a guitarist. He is instead branded a criminal who is to be executed. From narrowly escaping the law he now finds himself living in a facility filled with criminals. Will he manage to survive?
78 Chapters
2023-03-04 4:13
This series is so good and i love the art! Like its so good it deserves an award. SOMEONE GIVE THEM AN AWARDDDDD PLSS!!! P.s its rlly good dont stop making the comics!And if someone says its bad fvck them keep up the good work :D
Nightielightie: I’m thankful you enjoy my work and like my art. I’m so grateful for you taking the time to write a comment on it. I will...
TH3_UKN0WN×US3R: Np :)
Visitor 59430
2023-01-18 22:21
FIRST no lie but the drawing are kinda creepy
Nightielightie: It’s a horror story lol
Visitor 72897
2024-05-05 10:42
i love this is a really good comic i really love the art ( ° ∇ °) ==b