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Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
What would you do if a weird goth asked you to be friends out of the blue? For some reason Asher is afraid of this short skinny guy, with deep black circles under his eyes, who looks like a goth from 2004, is this deeper than what you see on the surface or is it just a funny story of how two guys fall in love? I invite you to read this funny story.
18 Chapters
+~MRS kiwi wolf~+
2023-12-17 13:21
Don't judge someone like that I'm also the wierd kid but everyone knows I'm kind so it's better to get to know each other, he probably is a softie inside ☺️😌
I_luvBl&BTS: Woah, me too I'm also the weird kid. I try to stick to myself but other students want to talk to me anyway. I am still t...
+~MRS kiwi wolf~+: Be my friend 😊
2024-01-01 23:22
Yeah, never judge a book by it's cover😑 besides dis a BL no? The ship will star soon😊
2024-01-11 22:46
I’m a wierd kid but I have some friends I hang out with (my friends aren’t wierd but they accept me) So give him a chance.