Logical Error and Love Creed
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Leslie, a boy suffer from social phobia and obsessed with writing mystery horror fictions, spends all day in the library because he cannot stand the noise in his dormitory. By chance, he becomes the Jesse’s roommate, a very rich student from the photography faculty, and Jolynn’s neighbor, the vice chairman of the Student Union. From then on, Leslie says goodbye to his beautiful dreamlife as a quiet, handsome guy...
52 Chapters
2018-12-13 12:6
rem is that you??
Hayley Lynch: she is a character from a awesome anime called Re: Zero
Lala Bala: 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 oh shit..the moment I saw rem....my inner anime weeb mode activated!!!!
2018-12-13 12:1
Stupid human...so your also stupid...😂😂
ARMY_with_you😘: this comic is not boys love right?
I don't give a SHeet: yes, 😂 aren't she's a human too?😂 she keep saying that maybe she is not a Human 😂😂
kuro 😻
2018-12-13 12:2
rem wow nice cosplay. now I want to watch again rezero
lizza blc: then, let's get ready for the tragic episodes!💀😭
Nagko Vrekvon: Sleepy ash!!!!!! hes adorable isnt he? so fluffy
phewse like me
2018-12-13 12:18
*heavy breathing rem... you choosed the right and the wrong demonsion at the same time
prince 😹
2018-12-13 12:0
not all humans are stupid 😉😉😉😉😉😉
🌈Bless🦄Gay🌈: I'm not human then・・・ ( ̄_ ̄)
someone f'n love me: I'm an idiot (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
2018-12-13 12:57
So are U not human as well ??
_Lily _
2018-12-13 12:0
no comments? maybe i am the first
Nurul Iman Razali
2018-12-13 11:59
Jake Lope
2018-12-24 8:15
what why rem ?? oh my gosh why!!!! 😱😱😱she supposed to be in re-zero starting to another world... with Subaru and she tried to protect Subaru ,and rem love Subaru ofcourse but Subaru lie Emilia... hmm I love it ☺
Jake Lope: haha have I getting mean
Jake Lope: please like... 😘😗😉
2018-12-14 0:22
Hey! Say! Walk 😹😹💓💓(hey! Say! Jump) Finally found some references for them🎉