My Graduate Roommate in Women's Clothes
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Qi Tong height is 1.78m, but he starts his live webcast known for his cuteness and beauty. What shows how powerful his ability to attract both boys and girls. Chen Baifei, as his hapless roommate, is the only one who has no interest in Qi Tong at all. He should graduate successfully, but Qi Tong brings lots of troubles to him...
74 Chapters
2019-06-22 14:41
😂😂😂😂He looks so damn cute in the bunny outfit.....battle😂😂😂
MILLY X SETON FOREVA: He has no boobs but daz okay, understandable T_T
2019-06-22 14:26
Those earphones............. I....... I neeeeeeeed!
ElizabethCagle4: But, did you notice their headphones match? One's teal and gold, and the other is teal and gold 😸
Ash .: this comic always make me crave for some cold water idk why
2019-06-22 14:39
May I just say that He is bringing sexy back like a pro c.f. (kill me pls)
IM A FREAKIN FRY! 🍟: ..but murder is illegal where I come from. Do you want me to ask my assassin? Her name is Kore
masamune rai
2019-06-22 14:30
it's like we got two worlds in one room 😂😂
Quynh Nguyen6P: No, two universes duhh i can’t even see de other side they must be so far apart lol ㅡㅇㅡ
ᴢʜᴏᴜ ᴍᴇɴɢϙɪᴀɴ ♥️
2019-06-22 14:58
The bunny outfit 👯 so cute 😍
Star Senpai★💜💜💜
2019-06-22 16:44
Something tells me that this is the start of something bootifully gay!😏... If you know what I mean!!😏😏...
2019-06-22 14:46
i want some glimpse of the so called jobbb
2019-06-22 14:38
poor guy 😂😂and teribble nyts
Visitor 77134
2019-06-23 20:2
Bunny ears probably equals more $$$
Visitor 08216
2019-08-30 15:10
LOVE @ 😍😍😚😚😘😙😳