Coin to Your Heart
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
The confession slipped out before him realizing. And when he think it can’t be any worse, it turned into a bet on two sides of coin? "If it's head, we're lover. And if it's tail..."
15 Chapters
2020-05-08 23:34
Wow he n he's bro are look extremely same😦😦
LesleyVance: ikr
haruisempai: ikr the bigbro almost looks like the lilbros father☺
Luna lone wolf 😄⚘
2020-05-08 23:30
dress play
Web_Comics_lover142: IT IS COSPLSY
2020-05-08 23:55
I love his brother
Crazy Pervert
2020-05-09 0:43
lol i like that brother guy
2020-05-09 14:33
Are they twin??? They so cute😄😄
Tabatha Moffatt
2020-05-09 18:1
looks like america from hetalia
imjustaramdomreader: thats what I tought to
Reader 101 yas: too*
Anna Jaison
2020-05-09 18:9
no his bro is kinda hot
Ginger Katherina
2020-05-09 8:35
Maybe he doesn't like boys because he was confronted with ignoring naked dudes (in this case his brother) all his life 🤣
Karma Octavia
2020-06-05 0:50
Is it me or does his brother look exactly like America from hetalia just with amber eyes?
2020-05-09 2:59
Yes thqt is it