Coffee Milk Airid
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
The government announced their invention, An android made to look exactly like humans called Ai-Android, or for short "Airid". Airid was made to obey every commands by it's owner. Ai-Rid also has multiple functions based on their models. Ai-Rid was also made to have the same age with it’s owner so they will be able to have relationships like friends, work partner, or even life partner.
15 Chapters
2020-05-30 23:17
Damn,he is so hot and handsome.. he is my type too
~Her Highness~: Yeah... why ca t we have perfect angels like him in real life?😭😨😢
WEEB forever😜😜: What if we try and order one too😼😼😼
2020-05-30 23:15
My type too.. haha
◇*×DiamondQueen×*♡: I just noticed the height difference she's up to his shoulders 😹😹👌👌
TheUltimateWeeb: my type... if he was a girl
2020-05-31 1:25
He is my type 🤫😉 well sometimes you can’t control the feelings even if they are not human being (robot)
Charles Renzi Murphy
2020-05-31 11:47
Everybody else: *CUTE* *HOT* *MY TYPE* Me: "BUT WHY DOES THE GOVERNMENT KNOW MY IDEAL TYPE?" *Always a bad omen to come!!*
ann lu
2020-05-31 1:16
I think the FL is a little hard on the airid....I feel bad for him...😔
Love Angel $❤
2020-05-31 3:25
can i get one clone of him😅😝😝😜
❤Ayato kun❤
2020-05-31 6:4
he's everybody's type😍😍😍 I mean who doesn't like him???
ann lu
2020-05-31 1:18
I’d love to hear his voice...
call me Momo
2020-05-31 8:1
damn wish I find someone like him
Ginger Katherina
2020-06-01 6:13
Daaamn those "men" are really handsome 😍😍😍