My Mr. Right is A Zombie
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Being a prince who died fighting on the battlefield a thousand years ago, he woke up in modern times and encountered his former imperial concubine to whom he's indebted. He thought he could make up for regrets in this life, but a fake concubine appeared. This time, will the tragedy go on, or will he find the real her?
59 Chapters
2020-06-03 15:1
Those abs tho~...nosebleed😍😍He more handsome than his old self😱😘😍
°°~TENDUO~°°: why does he have abs.. is he doing curl ups inside the coffin for hundreds of years or somethin?!😂
Another Ms.Oh: that's a royal abs
2020-06-03 14:58
Why did she cut his hair? I liked it long though.. Hopefully he has power to make his hair long when his powers awoken lol
Xiaochi Chai: yes i agree he was looking so much handsome with long hairs !!!😔😜
Lol. Ok. then: he's crying because of his hair😭😢😭😭😭😭
San 5122004
2020-06-03 15:21
OMG!! is he crying because of hair???!! He is so cute and even said nothing when she was cutting them. He loves her so much 😁😁
SungJin-Woo: I think before long hair was kind of like a symbol of power
Visitor 61780: i would also cry if my hair glt cut
2020-06-03 16:3
He is crying because he lost his hair...aww such a poor baby
shiba miyuki
2020-06-03 15:15
wait, is he crying??????
2020-06-03 16:3
SungJin-Woo: #HairUsedToEqualPower
2020-06-04 11:1
his long hair....😢😢😢😢😢😢
Purple Blue
2020-06-03 20:8
Poor him. She cut his hair.
Min young guk
2020-06-04 4:28
did he cry?😂😂😂😂oh dear
Visitor 05385
2020-06-04 11:17
he so handsome😍but he misses his hair😭