He Wants A Divorce
Frequency: 1 up/week
Update Schedule: Sun.
Gu Qingrang thinks it is bad enough that he had an accident and has lost his memory. What is worse, his husband files for divorce after seven years of marriage. When he just decides to say good riddance to his husband and move on, his ex does not want to leave him alone...
80 Chapters
Visitor 33175
2022-03-20 8:52
I don’t think he did maybe teach him again 😏😉
Unicorn🦄&🍭Lollipop: Yes please!! Lesson needs to be positively reinforced, if you know what i mean😏😏
lilly: give him another lesson a very nice one😏😏😏😏😏
nosebleeding panda ♥
2022-03-20 12:7
On my way to add this comic in my favorites (´ ▽`)
YourFavAntiSocial: samee
2022-04-08 6:49
what an entitled @$$🕳️ consent is necessary even when married and threatening to do it again, disgusting.
2022-03-21 5:1
i don't think he did~~~😏
2022-03-21 13:53
they are too hot
2022-03-25 8:17
Yes däddÿ
2022-06-29 1:27
Danesha Williams
2022-12-10 19:53
I. don't think either one of them want a divorce it's more to it but he just doesn't remember
Noir at Night
2024-07-04 2:59
Thats called bleep. i wanna learn whats that calleddddd!!
Visitor 15142
2022-04-06 10:8
omg 😂😂😂 prov" you did not learned your lesson"****