Addictive Marriage
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Because of her father’s seriously ill, Ye Youyou came back home in a hurry, but unexpectedly she fell into a sham… Her mother and elder brother sold her to a man who had a record of domestic violence for money. In order not to marry that old man to pay debts for her mother, she lied that she had married a rich man. When the lie was about to be revealed, the president who they haven’t seen each other before popped?!
122 Chapters
Maria Musa
2019-04-21 15:32
oo i think they have a childhood together but when yu yu grow up maybe she change her hair colour and mr tang just pick a wrong woman..is like that,r u quest
pervert: yeah and the girl in the hospital is just pretending to be his childhood friend
Meichi Ana Chu: are u an idiot do u not get it the girl from the past is the one that is in the hospital he loves the hirl at the hospit...
cool camille
2019-04-21 15:24
aww love it...now waiting for past stories....they r so lovely together😍
Midnight black: uuuhh u dont understand? the girl in his memory is yu yu different from ye youyou. Yu yu is in the hospital
NAMKOOK: its not her is the one in the hospital
cool camille
2019-04-21 15:24
BTW his sexy body..omg....(⌒.−)=★
Badwolf1230: Ikr these comic guys r like fantasy I wanna hv some guys like that then i realise that all guys in my class are jerks
Xia IX: u mean nose bleeding .... lol
2019-04-21 15:42
”i will always stay with u” butch u are plainging on using her what you mean always stay with u 😒
Sunshine__yj: maybe he's thinking about the other girl 😤🤦♀️
Multi fandom ;): Same thoughts homie 😂
Ships4ever( • ̀ω•́ )
2019-04-21 15:28
I dont even know if i ship them or not
WG.TD: same so confusing. ..
Vegeta'sChick: I'm not shipping he is an ass. If he starts having genuine feelings about her then I will ship, as long as he wants to u...
2019-04-21 15:24
do you know? when you drink water you are actually drinking water 💧
cherry chopper😉❤: lol😂😂😂😂nice joke😂😂😂😂
Eclipsing ninja Luna: Woah! 😂 My science teacher never taught me this! (She actually doesnt teach, the science book does)
Tonni Zaman(Snaya)
2019-04-21 16:22
u liar
2019-04-21 17:17
he's sleeping with youyou but his mind and heart is with yuyu!😤😤😤
NO.1 hottest girl
2019-04-21 15:46
What a cute couple😘😘
BTS A.R.M.Y forever
2019-04-21 19:1
guys, I got the whole story here, our mc is getting misunderstood between you you and that hospital lady😣😣😣😣
{ " BL _ LOVER " }: really so the end really you you and this guy together??
{ " BL _ LOVER " }: but were I can read that?