Coin to Your Heart
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
The confession slipped out before him realizing. And when he think it can’t be any worse, it turned into a bet on two sides of coin? "If it's head, we're lover. And if it's tail..."
15 Chapters
Luna lone wolf 😄⚘
2020-05-08 23:31
what happen in the past I wondered
Hiyashinsu_UwU: why you everywhere bruh
2020-05-08 23:37
I wanna know he's past I'm curious 😣😣
Galaxy💖: yes i want to know too😣😣
2020-05-10 11:15
when people respond with "be careful, it'd be a hard road" I'm like: No shit sherlock, qhy do you think they're willing to ask about the subject out in the open in the first place? It's also annoying when people project their own experience onto the other person because they aren't allowing room for actually learning from the past and moving on without being scared of the bad side of the world. It's one thing to make sure they know the risk, but like the mc said, regardless of the relationship, there are consequences you sibject yourseof to.
2020-05-09 0:59
oh no
Ginger Katherina
2020-05-09 8:37
We need more insights 🤔
Kurabu Kishidou
2020-05-09 12:11
I can't tell which way this one is gonna go my heart🥺
surprised pikachu
2020-05-09 10:3
I'm now curious about his past! 😣
2020-06-04 18:13
someone confessed to him too in the past? hjskkdlf I want moooore
🔥Lee Min-ho🔥
2020-05-10 5:7
i hope they will together forever..😇😇
2020-05-11 0:22
I literally punchedmy screen