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Rina met Noa at university and they've been dating for seven years. Things happened and Noa ran away from home. Rina knows what she has to do, she just hopes it isn't too late.
21 Chapters
2021-09-14 3:35
Just wow,also first 😋,I really liked this,been reading it for a while
2021-09-14 8:51
nice one it's a lovely story 😊🍀and PENGUIN.......that's the funny part😂😂🤣🤣🤣
2021-09-14 14:23
this is such a cute story, i love it
Donnie Abaga Ramos
2021-09-16 3:37
you are so generous Thor 🥰
Visitor 83337
2021-09-16 21:36
I love this comic
Roro No A_s
2022-01-15 7:57
please have a happy ending
Kyla Milligan
2023-07-03 13:21
tell me why I actually read croissant In a French accent... I WAS READING IN MY HEAD!
2024-02-15 16:27
so cuteeee ¡~¡ (: