Look up at the sky
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Markus is an insecure guy with low self steem caused by bad experiences in his life. But things start to change after he decides to get out of his confort zone and go out with this weird but kind guy he met on public transportation.
29 Chapters
Lady Korosenae
2021-09-19 21:8
Aww Cute!! Kim still stunned that it was called a “Date”
Visitor 53310
2021-09-22 1:42
I love this comic yet why so few comments LISTEN EVERYONE U BETTER COMENT MORE FOR THE AUTHORS SAKE 😁😁😁😁
Queen KK
2021-12-21 16:50
wow so much non-good spelling
Visitor 67439
2021-10-23 16:22
Wow all of this I just like this realy resenates with me
Visitor 67439
2021-10-23 16:22
thank so much for this comic I don't feel alone any more♡