Facelift Game
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Being singularly plain, Yi Rong suffered many discrimination in her world. By chance, she downloaded a plastic APP and found that an app could make her look exactly like that in the picture retouched, but if she wants to maintain her good look, she has to fulfill some inhuman tasks and if she quits, she'll pay a more severe price. In this facelift road of no return, what’s on earth waiting for Yi Rong?
82 Chapters
🧨Not a name🍩
2020-09-15 13:31
mamemimomuuu..: DISGUSTING CREATURE 😬😬😬
Visitor 68176: tell about it
☠️ṀḭṆḭ ṀḕṎẆ☠️
2020-09-15 13:33
Two-faced people , Why this boy is following her
Chocuddle: isn't it obvious that he is giving the tasks on the app? Or is it just me thinking that
❀kαωαı_ηєzυkσ❀: I think it's the Male Lead? ..☺️
Love Angel $❤
2020-09-15 15:38
I guess that nerd boy was this app creator 😶
2020-09-17 9:7
the black haired boy gives me "L" vibe from "death note"
bruno mars: omg same!!
2020-09-17 15:10
the guy with black shirt, i wonder what type of character will he be 💀
🧨Not a name🍩
2020-09-15 13:32
This facelift game seriously give all such stuff?!
Visitor 30368
2020-09-15 13:40
I missunderstood she really has a heart
Anime weeb!!
2020-09-17 7:29
this guy (with the black hair and blue eyes) reminds me of L from Death note
Visitor 55110
2020-09-16 4:46
I think this is not good for her,its....just that it hurt's a lot of people and she doesnt need to do that just because she wants to be preety as BTS said "LOVE YOURSLEF" sometimes you shoukd think that loving your self is the most important topic here but..im not forcing you i know how the character I and you can feel so if you really wanted that i dont have to complain its your decision anyway thats all lol i accept all our decisions its just that im giving you guys a friendly sudjestion thats all HAHAHAH lol Love yourself and I love this comic hope you wont make us pay diamond hihihi.😅❣️
Visitor 74435: I look like a monkey though....still love myself XD #lovemyself
2020-09-16 22:45
the black haired guy gives me L vibes