Play Dead
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
When the world's most unsociable, apathetic morbid guy, Leo, gets plagued by his persistent, pestering, energetic neighbor, he is convinced it can only be a recipe for disaster. Joy's determination for them to become friends eventually pays off however and Leo never regretted being more right, not ever in his 500 years of existence...
16 Chapters
2018-12-19 23:10
Wow usually the purple haired girls are the evil ones but I like this one👍
A.stupid,weird Girl: she's nice and cute and funny
JOCELYN MCELENEY: Joy: pulls our knife 😳
Pretty rudey
2018-12-19 23:2
I just love UwU and also I love u web comics😭😭❤❤
Torddy: let's pray the webcomic god's don't make this a cash grab
smol potato: I hope they won't lock the chapters or else I'm going to go broke
Mellani Lima
2018-12-19 23:4
omg that made me so sad yet happy at the end😢☺
Levi x Eren_Ship❤️❤️: same im crying and smiling and my mom asked me if i need a doctor😂😂 GOD MAKE THIS NEW SHIP SAIL AND NOT SINK LIKE THE ...
Umbreonfemale) anime
2018-12-19 23:3
Hmm looks to me all he needed was some support
Thea Marie Manzanilla
2018-12-19 23:6
He is SO badass!!!!!!
smol potato: ikr
Eisuke my hubby❤️❣️
2018-12-19 23:20
My favourite character in this story is the radar 😂
Kenji Hoagies(OC): when you think your favourite character is Leo but it actully is Radar!
smol potato: yass xD
Akura you
2018-12-19 23:7
I love that song
Angelica Barnuevo: what's the name of that song?
Visitor 47472: Want is the song
Shiro Akatsuki
2018-12-20 5:5
“Death is not the end of love, also the tomb has a time of flowers, the lover prayed, the dying lovers, pray and remember the old flowers.”
phewse like me
2018-12-20 1:24
when you remember something happy from your child hood when your in the middle of depression
2018-12-20 1:29
She's ur gurl.