Plastic Sisters
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Famous romantic novelist, Lingyi, is not only brilliant, but also a great beauty with nice face and nice body! However, no one knows that Lingyi is actually two people: the beauty Lin Xuan and blue stocking Yi Yuan.
61 Chapters
cool camille
2019-05-09 16:13
finally people caught her....wow that kick amazing 👏🏻👏🏻....she is damn strong 😎 loll last panel my nose..😂😂😂😂😂😂 BTW nothing happened much girl 😁
BTS ♡ Army ♡: bet she got plastic surgery😂😂
❤blink_anime🐒: what happened to her nose btw?😂
isel mari
2019-05-09 16:20
“Me nose” lol
WolfinLove❤: Her nose... Wasn't hurt.. What a surprise😒😒😒
Z_222: 😂
Visitor 23449
2019-05-09 16:21
Gitanjali by Ravindranath Tagore 😍
❤blink_anime🐒: yep❤ im happy to here about him here sm!😚
2019-05-09 16:25
your nose? whats wrong? is plastic surgery expensive? ya dont have tobworry about that. come ooonnn you've Millions of sugar daddies...
Visitor 23449
2019-05-09 16:21
Gitanjali by Ravindranath Tagore 😍
2019-05-09 16:44
So she got her nose done? 😈
oppa 💞 oppa 💞
2019-05-09 16:50
my... my nose! wahahahahaha.. disfigured???? 😂😂😂
2019-05-09 16:16
Hai uwu
2019-05-09 16:38
pft serves you righttttt
2019-05-09 20:20
kick also her ass 😑😑