Ryu Kaze
Frequency: 1 up/week
Update Schedule: Sun.
Ryu ran away from his home planet after dreaming about the earth 3 days before his coronation. Naively looking for love to fill his emptiness, the young prince of Kuuni tries to find his true identity and let go of his past life with the help of his new friends.
70 Chapters
Marely10 Pizañafrair
2020-08-02 23:19
😂😂😂😂😂 her dad reaction
2020-08-02 23:32
Ooh already fallen, I see
♡ no one ♡
2020-08-03 6:24
she surely likes him.... I love the author ^ω^ she's so sweet
Ana GroL: aow ♥️♥️♥️ YOU'RE so sweet 🤗
2020-08-05 13:43
wow...helena is sooo pretty...and lol noticed the height difference only now
2020-08-05 13:45
and OMG...KRYZ (is it okay if i call u that)THNK U FOR WRITING MAH NAME AND POSTING MAH ART....I WAS SO SHOCKED!. ..THNK U SO MUCH (●´ω`●)
Ana GroL: Ofc you can call me that! And thank you very much for drawing it in the first place ♥️♥️
2020-08-04 0:6
I wonder what he’ll do tomorrow ~ 🤗 “job interview”
Ana GroL: OMG, senpai noticed me x,)
Riisana: Hehe, pretty is good!! And there’s no rush, so do what makes you happier 🤗 But just wanted to let you know about that a...
Nana Akua Asantewaah
2020-12-18 3:59
This whole time I was checking her dad's reaction am lyk wtf🤣 n how she rushed to change her hairstyle man that was pretty fast
2020-08-10 20:8
Aww! I love both of Helena's looks. She's so pretty 🤗
@2372009: Yah me too
Lady DS
2020-08-09 19:56
An excellent excuse lol
2020-08-13 15:11
im loving this comic