Like The Sun Loves The Moon
Frequency: Unscheduled
Update Schedule: IDK
The God of Spring and Life is an explosive young man. One day while on the fields with his mother he sees a gigantic dog, carrying a mysterious man. The dog soon disappears and he's left wondering what he just saw. It doesn't take him long to take action!
27 Chapters
I only read BL
2018-12-25 0:20
well, some of the comments seems kind of rude. they cannot actually force author to draw or upload more. there are so many challenges in finishing a comic
Ninnie: they quite truly are and they have been stressing me out since July :T
I only read BL: you are doing great, just ignore them.
warrior alexa
2018-12-24 23:29
Take your time with the comic author you have a life and have responsibilities that you have to deal with. I don't mind waiting for new chapters, I understand life gets in the way and drawing takes up a lot of time so just do your best and don't feel rushed because readers are impatient. Keep up the good work and I hope you get through your tough times soon 🙂
Ninnie: thank you very much for understanding! it means a lot to me! ;;0;; 💞
Visitor 43921: I agree with you. I'm just glad that you have chosen to share such wonderful art. I also love that your spelling and gra...
2018-12-25 0:9
=^•×•^=: heh thx
Visitor 77670: PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!
2018-12-24 23:28
So this is related to the greek story!?!?! As i know persephone is kidnapped by hades will it happen or will u different the story? (plus love you're comic UwU just waiting if something comes out)
Ninnie: you'll see. uwu
HaleluyaIAmGay: hihihihihihi ILL BE WAITING!!!!!!!! (until the end)
Chicken is good too
2018-12-25 5:42
my hero academia yay!
2018-12-25 2:4
Think of the author who is trying her best. She is trying to create suspense. Even though I can’t wait for he next episode, it is fun to imagine what is about to happen next. Like Bakugou Katsuki will enter the cave and the “Hades” of this story gets mad because Bakugou says something offensive and while in the boat his arm is sticking out. While it is over the river styx the mermaid grabs his arm and pulls him in. Before he could drown the “Hades” saves him and gives him CPR. Some thing like that.
Ninnie: you're not too far off actually! but I can't tell you much since it'd ruin the fun~~ ;3
Holo its me
2018-12-25 2:7
*last pannel* Me: AHHHHHH
yandere show
2018-12-25 1:46
omg I know it
I have no life😒😒
2019-03-10 18:29
ok ik im extra late and all but i just wanna say to the mean people ok GUYS BE PATIENT AND LET HIM/HER TAKE THEIR TIME LIKE DONT BE RUDE OUT IN THE BLUE sorry for caps that just show's how mad and loud rn
Ninnie: thank you! 💕
midnight Kitty
2018-12-26 0:16
thanks for giving lots of details on the story! I'm like others, kinda impatient but I understand with a busy life and not much money are hard conditions to get things done with. I enjoy what you've done. I go through similar things. love ur comic! 😸midnight😸
midnight Kitty: no prob 😻😻😻
Ninnie: thank you for understanding! that means a lot to me! hopefully I'll see you around in the next update as well, as your s...