Guide to Raising Kitty Boyfriend
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
I never thought the kitten I picked up became a big man! He'd even squirreled into my bed. For the first time in Lise Xia's life, she wants to burst out cursing...
57 Chapters
masamune rai
2019-04-28 16:35
you're only mine - so possessive ❤ gurl u got itself a wild kitty 😂😅
(::BTS::::TXT::): really wild.....I don't know who is Wilder though 🤔🤔
κιнγοѕнι💙: I hope i can have some kitty like him😍 a kitty who can turn human .. i love cats💕 I want like mao. a possessive one😂
Lil Pòtató
2019-04-28 16:31
Mr.Rival plzz ... get out!!
Harith: ...She already has a hubby so please leave and never come back For your application letter for the company has been reje...
Ulyn Tabuena: Chill Lil Potato...
2019-04-28 16:31
Kitty says she is his...... ........😻😻
⁽͑˙˚̀Ꮉ˚́˙⁾̉: You think he’s pretending that he can’t talk?
2019-04-28 16:43
wahhh! Maos soo handsome...holy..sheet..😂😆❤ his a Yandereee😂well since he said you will only be MINE!😂😂❤
reader 7864: ikr!!!!aghhhh I'm fangirling like a crazy for him!!!
XxFox_MoonlightXx: yeah! You're a fan of Kaichu wa maid sama!! how cool!! I'm a fan too!😂❤😆I love Usui Takumi where can I get a Usui Taku...
Ms. Open Minded
2019-04-28 16:54
possessive cat and hot 😂 gosh, my heart goes thumbling everytime she comforts him and hug him. they're sweet couple 😍😍
reader 7864: ik!!!T^T
Afina Karapetyan
2019-04-28 16:49
I think his memories returned when the bottle was opened?
Hakuna フォクシー plays
2019-04-28 16:29
I loveeeeeee this comic
chimchim's wifeu
2019-04-28 19:20
Is it just me or anyone noticed that the colour of Mao's eyes and hair changed...
vikas mahajan
2019-04-29 10:34
I think that cat is hiding something
Visitor 81188: i do think that he's Hiding something too
Are u kidding me 😉
2019-04-28 17:33
Doesn't he have anything else to do???