Rum & done
Frequency: 1 up/month
Update Schedule: Tues.
Gothic singer, punk guitar player, and cheerful drummer form a rock band while trying to figure out their feelings and solve problems every young people have like losing themselves to alcohol and figuring out if rum is actually better than whiskey.
33 Chapters
2021-01-07 22:4
wow....this is really deep...I like the way it's portrayed...amazing work author 🖤❤️
Nadiya Vee
2021-01-08 0:1
jace had a twin.... jeez my heart
2021-01-11 0:48
sing it with me now SWEET HOME ALABAMA!!!
2021-01-21 13:55
I don't think it's skill hard to understand, under the influence(the alchohol personified as Lucifer), their unexpected passion got the best of them. then they fought most likely out of embarrassment and/or fear, one left, probably still under the influence, but even if not not cognitively healthy from the fight and died, (purposefully or not, there was a sudden death warning not a suicide warning so I'm assuming accidental death). Our boi feels like his better half went with the twin, and that's the angle standing behind, whether it's his personal angel (I feel it is, he left it behind after helping the girl and being with his family) ir his brother dosen't matter, it's his perception of not having a good half without his brother.
Mag Navarra: This is wonderful
IvyClay: sorry typos
Visitor 02041
2021-01-08 12:28
I didn't get what happened...
2021-01-10 6:13
If the implication is that the angel version of Chayse is Jace... it makes him standing next to angel and devil Apollo misleading
Adrian agreste boy
2021-01-08 14:57
What's happened?and what is their relationship with demon?is that how he get fire control power?was they a gay couple?but they are twin!how did they fall to each other? why did they fight?how did they meet lucifer?oh so much questions? 😣this chapter full of mesteries 😅
Xian zhan 💕
2021-01-08 18:47
Uh... Mmm... I don't get it. but now I know Jace is panic gay or hidden gay or gay. Am I right? If he's gay I'm Hpy for him 💖
Angelique Cilliers
2021-01-07 22:3
Gelay Rodriguez
2021-01-07 22:4
pers taym second