Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Bets and Sylvia are a newly married lesbian interracial couple. They have a dog June and a little girl Mary and a loving caring community. They're just trying to navigate their way through homophobia and all other bigotry while dealing with current events.
181 Chapters
- A wedding story arc
- The morning of
- Look on the brides' side
- Mother of one of the brides
- Bride's side or Bride's side?
- Aisle be there with wedding bells on
- Last minute guest
- Battle of the exes
- Too little too late
- Who gives this woman?
- Three on an aisle
- Walk me down the aisle you two
- Two strikes and you're out
- Here come the brides
- Not at our wedding you don't
- Amscray!
- Altarcation
- Cut to the chase
- I must bid you "I do"
- Much "I do" about the girls
- Rings true to me
- In retrospect
- Oh how we kissed on the day we were wed
- Kissy fit
- Kiss me more
- Ma'am and wife
- Cheers and tears
- The fall girls
- Sometime old, sometime new
- Young love or My first two kisses
- A cute triangle or Boys will be beaus
- Prehistory repeats itself or It's been done
- Power dangers
- Keep your bans to yourself or Not with our daughter you don't
- Chariots of fear
- Thought provoking question or Uneducation center
- Present tension
- No Sexton please, I'm lesbian
- Toastimony
- The story of my lives
- Maids of honor speeches
- The bridesmaid's tale
- On the banned wagon
- Series of toasts
- Speak loudly and carry a wine glass
- Mom's speech or How I left your father
- Toasting, toasting, toast...
- Love thy gaybor
- Wine and spits
- Here comes the sunset
- What's my wine?
- Whose wine is it anyway?
- Lap dog
- Drink like a human
- Doggone punny
- It's how you tell it
- Dance Mommies
- What's mine is yours or Mmm... floor potato salad
- It had to be Ewww or What's wine is yours
- Wise beyond her years
- Meet the milestones or Better to light a candle
- Something borrowed, something blew or Wax job
- Cake by the ocean
- Have our cake and eat it too
- Welcome to the slow dance
- Can't look away or Bad vibrations
- Lovesongs or Two pretty girls are like a medley
- Get to the funny or Project cutaway
- Dear June,...
- Tipsy-turvy
- That's my girl who said that or Out of the mouths of babes
- Mommies-daughter dance or Something about Mary
- It takes three to tango or Torn this way
- Bouquet morale
- Show me the honey
- Too young to Mary?
- How to catch a bouquet without really trying and/or You belch your life
- The wrong stuff and/or If caring for you is left, I don't wanna be right
- June's bouquet and/or Her paw in marriage
- Toss-up and/or Days of wine and poses
- Bend me no flowers and/or I know squat
- Bouquet bouquet who got the bouquet?
- Iris's bouquet and/or Me and my boy
- Garter state and/or It's training men
- Comic standard time
- Work garter, not harder and/or Wild fling
- Edgar winner and/or Gart'r done!
- Bad to the Bern and/or I'm up all night to get plucky
- Bern lucky and/or Garter mom
- Kiss me I'm Iris and/or Someone who likes me
- O how we danced on the night that we met and/or How I met your potential stepfather
- The Thanksgiving that never should've been and/or Whitewashed history
- I only have Iris for you and/or Don't talk just dance
- Dear future husband and/or Keep dancing
- Shut up and dance and/or Yours, mind, and ours
- Goes without saying and/or Great minds think alike
- I want you to hold my hand
- Retroactive man and/or You don't become, you are
- Let 'em heave cake
- Have our cake and throw it too
- Throwback Tuesday
- I'd rather eat it than throw it
- Catch as cakes can and/or Aim for the June
- Cake fight black and white and/or Gray anything
- Cease the moment and/or Fray for us
- Pry, pry again
- Partying is such sweet sorrow
- Out of sight out of time and/or Watch it appear and disappear
- The long long long wedding
- Just hitched
- Suction to be you
- Turn your head and barf
- Sick as a dog
- Last minute costumes
- Happy belated Halloween
- False app-vertising
- Be unprepared
- All packed up and ready to doze
- One dog flight and/or Fly by naught
- Just deserts and/or I spot plenty of nothing
- Cartoon jet lag and/or The long long looong week
- The quickie and the did
- Loud of the flies
- 69, L7, and flight and/or Let's not get noisy, babes
- It's in the bag and/or Barf like a dog
- Doglight and/or Backseat pilot
- Shock it to me and/or Sing a song of sexpence
- Lag dog
- First things first
- Bridal suite
- Not suitable for dogs' ears and/or Loud of the rings
- Much to do about nothing and/or Lazy in love
- The evening after and/or TV loved
- The hot heard round the world
- A time to grieve
- Just like being there
- All we need is love
- Happy liesgiving and/or Am I getting that white?
- Bang a dame subtly
- Sex all over the city
- Mountains of cartoon heroes past
- Mourning noon and night and/or Empathy card
- Jackpot hero
- Don't rock the jackpot
- Lucky dog
- Winner dog
- Ahead of her time
- Time overlap
- Quitting just short of success
- Fun bets to make with your partner
- Betting buzz
- TV drunkies
- Brew-haha
- Morning sickness and/or June's addiction
- So this is almost Christmas
- Holy craps
- America Worst
- Of dice and women
- Luck of the dog
- On a roll and/or Ladies' luck
- Drag out weekend
- The big bag theory and/or Be overprepared
- Remembrance of characters past and/or Toon deaf
- Busy bodies and/or Physical plane
- For gosh shakes and/or Love on the plane
- Rewhiting history and/or O Christmas truth
- What happens in Vegas we can do at home
- We'll be home for Christmas
- Happy Holidays
- Viva Betsylvia and/or We've only just begun
- Home movies
- Wake me up before I gotta go go
- App lib
- Dignity rides again and/or We're not gonna debate it
- Final countdown and/or 10 to 1
- New Years kissing
- Less fortunate 500 and/or Give till it heals
- Parentnoia
- Changing the name
- A tale of two realities and/or Coup coup's nest
- Lawlessness and disorder
2022-07-29 8:57
love her hair
sir dinosaur: ikr, its amazing!
Visitor 95886: Your right it’s really pretty