Soul-Lightening Lamp
Frequency: Unscheduled
Update Schedule: IDK
Science? Superstition? Little tricks? Can all things in the world be explained by science? If not, is there a mysterious force outside of science which secretly controls history? What if you know all about history are lies? This story is set up in the period of the Republic of China (around 1916) when advanced science and technology from Europe are refreshing all recognition of this ancient agricultural country. The title of the book and the first part of the Ch. 1 is a metaphor. “Light” means “to initiate”, “lamp” implies “the container”. The “soul” from the title does not mean the soul basically, but refer to a mysterious force besides the soul. Now let me open the door of “truth": for you.
12 Chapters
2018-07-18 12:11
I like the art👍👍👌👌
Afra Ibnat: ya its really good
Nehal Khatri
2018-07-18 8:58
Mysterious stuff🤔 Kind of liking it😁
Jules96 : Omg same😍
Visitor 65944: so mysterious😑😑😑
Xiaoxiaosan 40364 (Makati+City+(Magallanes))
2018-07-18 6:29
ancient stuff.... i like it
2018-07-21 16:1
so short
Jane Jacksmith
2018-07-23 11:51
life's good
2018-08-21 17:45
this looks interesting
cutie 55464 (Bay+City)
2018-07-18 9:29
o wow 😥😥😥😥😥
cutie 55464 (Bay+City): 😣😣😣😣😣😣😥😥😥
Quinn Victoria Ambrose
2018-07-19 13:6
shouta 20148 (Enfield+Town)
2018-07-30 18:19
looks great all ready in love who else
yama 27239 (Nizhnij+Novgorod)
2018-07-23 4:40
всё норм