My american boyfriend is too different!!
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
[BL Omegaverse] Arturo has had the biggest crush on Zach Adams, an american omega studying at his high school ever since he met him, but refuses to act on his feelings because of his own insecurities. Then one day...Zach decides to approach him?!
66 Chapters
Raze Warrion
2021-12-01 6:15
Oohh, First! (>y<) Second, why did no one comment yet? ⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃ Third, newww BL and I'm gonna love it Fourth, Keep on updating! supports and lovelots! ヾ(´(エ)`ノ゙
yaoi is life
2021-12-23 21:59
I love this already ♥️
~ xao ~
2022-02-21 20:28
they're so fricking cute together! and the art is amazing!! qwq
2022-11-05 12:28
Omg I have no arm to
Misheru4N: Omg Zach wants to be friends💖✨