Sapphire, the young witch never assumed things would change in her little world until she met with a slave boy. As they began to know each other the long silence suddenly ends and due to an unfortunate event, fate separates the two kids. Will fate bring them together again?
The life of a plushie and her maid (owner) who still doesn't know what kind of animal she is based off. Follow her sassy misadventures with her maid (owner)!
Harry McQuinn has always been an outcast at his school. One day started out no different than normal, except a classmate named Catherine stood up for him when the local bullies were ragging on him. She gets Harry to open up to her and is amazed when Harry shows her his unique ability of telekinesis, the ability to move things with his mind. Catherine is amazed at this ability. Unfortunately, Harry doesn't realize his powers have a dangerous side-affect to them: Every time he uses them, someone close to him dies. (Source: MU)
Welcome to the Ability Society. A futuristic world where no one has an advantage from the abilites they were born with, because you can easily download abilites. These downloadable abilites, called "Labels," will give you the skills to do just about anything. From driving a car to making pottery, the sky's the limit. But there's just one problem—they don't work for Heita Jugojo. How can a guy with no abilities survive in a world where everybody's an "expert?" Find out in this offbeat sci-fi story! (Source: VIZ Media) Included one-shots: Volume 2: Rokkou Tokka Volume 3: Hi-Fi Cluster: Rokkou Tokka Jiken Jitsurei (pilot), Hiyota Get...
Contains eight stories. Each story possess different characters, but the theme of love and its different forms of expression is present throughout. 1. Girlfriend in the Sky 2. Ankoku-san 3. Kamisama Gokko (Kami-sama Make-Believe) 4. Downtown Train 5. Harumage. 6. Ekstasis 7. Ao 8. After School Show
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