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Gyakusatsu Mahou Shoujo Belial☆Strawberry

Gyakusatsu Mahou Shoujo Belial☆Strawberry


In the past, the three realms of the Underworld, the Earth, and the Heavens were separate. Demons lived in the Underworld, humans lived on Earth, and the fairies lived in the Heavens. However, ten years ago, the demons invaded the Earth. Now they rule the Earth, and all of humanity are their slaves. They still have jobs, attend school, and so forth, but they all live in fear. If a human offends a demon, even by accident or by doing nothing at all, they can't stop the demon from killing them. One special human girl, Osoreyama Miyako, sees the state of the world, sees the path her pitiful life will follow, and decides to end it all. The humans aren't the only ones concerned with the demon takeover. The fairy Jin has been sent to right the balance of the three realms. However, by old treaty, she can't fight demons directly. She must make some human into a magic girl to fight in the defense of humanity. The naive, idealistic fairy chooses Miyako to be her magic girl. On the very night Miyako plans to take her own life, Jin forms the contract and dubs her "Belial Strawberry." To Jin's horror, though, Miyako does not have a heart full of the love of justice. Her heart is full of anger, bitterness, and despair. When Jin makes her a magic girl, all Miyako hears is that now she will have the power to slaughter her oppressors. After she brutally murders a demon in public, in the defense of a helpless cat, the newspapers name her "Slaughter Magic Girl Belial Strawberry," and her story begins! (Source: MangaHelpers)

Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Sinners

Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Sinners


A teenaged girl, who possesses the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception", a supernatural ability that allows the user to see the "death" of everything in existence and kill the object by destroying its "origin". She recently recovered from a two-year coma caused by a traffic accident. Prior to the traffic accident, she originally had two personalities, a male personality named Shiki (織), and the original female personality Shiki (式). Children born into the Ryōgi family are generally male and are raised with two personalities, so the male personality is customarily called the "yang" personality, while the female is called the "yin" personality. It is easy to tell which Shiki is speaking at a given time because they both have a distinct style of speaking, most notably that the female Shiki refers to herself with the pronoun watashi (私), while male Shiki refers to himself as ore (オレ). After waking from her coma, Shiki discovers that she can no longer feel the male Shiki's presence and assumes that he died because of the accident. She also feels a detachment from her memories before the accident, and while she knows she is Shiki, she does not feel that she is. In the hopes of regaining herself and the "dead" Shiki, she puts on a cold façade that somewhat resembles the male Shiki's and tries to act as the female Shiki did. Tōko understands the sense of detachment Shiki feels, but considers the current Shiki a third, new personality. (Source: Wikipedia)