Yoshino Reiji is an ordinary student living at Tsukiyomijima Island. One day, an abnormal predicament struck him, and a beautiful girl named Sakura appears in front of him, saving his life. She tells him he is the Missing Number 13, and she is his strategy destruction magic weapon (a.k.a. magic). Both Reiji and Sakura are forced to fight against the other twelve Mahoutsukai in a battle royale-style ritual. To protect his peaceful everyday life, Reiji casts himself into battle.
Taking a break from her popular, brilliant, Fullmetal Alchemist; Arakawa-sensei drew up a one-chapter humorous Shounen story about a Frankenstein tournament, for mangazine GX to commerate their 5th year anniversary. (Source: Anime-Source)
Nothing could have thrilled Kimihiro more than stumbling upon the bizarre wish-granting shop of the beautiful but unnerving Yûko Ichihara, who solemnly promises to make the spirits plaguing Kimihiro go away just as soon as her fee–rendered in daily afternoon chores at her shop–is paid in full. Of course, the thrill wears off as soon as Kimihiro realizes that his payment plan bears a disturbing resemblance to indentured servitude . . . eternal indentured servitude. Still he soldiers on, ready for whatever number of adventures lie ahead. But in Kimihiro’s case, three may not be the charm! His first assignment–to procure a pair of fake eyeglasses–is exceptionally pointless, even by Yûko’s standards. Or at least it seems that way, until Kimihiro watches a woman throw herself into traffic. He soon discovers that the doors of bespectacled perception can swing both ways. Next, when a classmate seeks help solving a mystery involving text messages from the dead, Kimihiro is glad to play Sherlock. But he must turn to Yûko to determine whether the root of the riddle is otherworldly shenanigans, deceit, or murder. Finally, however ready, willing, and able Kimihiro thinks he is to face the most unusual of circumstances, he still finds himself completely bewildered by the stranger who chases away his darkest spirits, condemns Yûko as a craven charlatan, and offers Kimihiro a way out of his preternatural predicament–and a fortune besides. (Source: Del Rey)
A side-story based on Tales of Vesperia focusing on Flynn Scifo.
Marie is trapped in a horrible situation. She's being constantly tormented by her classmates and regularly molested by her teacher. With nowhere else to turn, she finds herself asking for supernatural help from one of the seven demons of the seven mysteries of her school. All she desires is the death of her cruel classmates and teacher. How far will Marie be willing to go in order to achieve the murders that would free her from her living hell? (Source: MU)
1. Moon Walker LTD. ~Albatross no Shuujin~ 2. Moon Walker LTD. ~Garimpeiro to Hikaru Ishi~ 3. Moon Walker LTD. ~Tenkuu no Chiisana Yuusha~
A bright-spirited young historical scholar, Iba, disappears while on a lone expedition to study the ancient Silk Road. A year later his girlfriend, Kyoko, sets out for the Silk Road in order to find clues that will help to unravel the mystery of Iba's disappearance. When she arrives, she finds the charm she gave Iba for protection and moments later she is sucked into a black vortex and loses consciousness. Kyoko awakes to find herself in a very different place and discovers that that Iba is not only alive but is a warrior-slave under the reign of Genghis Khan in 13th century Mongolia! At last, when Iba and Kyoko reunite, they find that there are a series of fates, crueler than the ones they have already endured, awaiting them...
Ookami no Dou (The Wolf Eyes) is a collection of 3 short stories that he had done earlier in his career. They are (in order); Steel World, Snake, and The Wolf Eyes. (Source: Tsuzuku Jinsei o...)
There is an ancient government office, which was first founded by Queen Himiko, to deal with difficulties arising from supernatural forces. Even today, that agency secretly exists and deals with curses and other dark forces that threaten Japan. Kushinata Orochi is skilled in these supernatural arts, and he and his physically powerful sidekick Ayame take on cases that deal with supernatural troubles. Now, they have a very ancient and powerful force to deal with in Kageyama City... (Source: MU)
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