In the future, cockroaches have evolved into intelligent creatures much like humans. Humans, however, still view them as disgusting vermin, and they exist on the outskirts of society, feeding on garbage and rarely venturing into inhabited areas. One night, a young girl named Yui has a run-in with a cockroach named Dai, and she learns that they aren't exactly the vermin she believed they were... (Source: MU)
Adaptation of Majin Tensei videogame. The manga is set after the great war of the late 1990s as Japan begins construction on a new capital city. Earthquakes cause massive destruction and rumors of demons have begun to emerge. The protagonist receives a warning and a demon summoning program.
Following the collapse of civilization after a worldwide nuclear war in the year XXXX A.D., demons have begun to emerge. The demon summoning warriors Jin, Jack, and Ayame summon demons to help protect people in their hunt for paradise.
The story of the novel series revolves around female middle school student Chiyoko, who is part of her school's naginata club. In her house sleeps a single revolver. That gun is actually able to transform into human form, and in the past, he was created to be an assassin for the imperial city's information bureau. Chiyoko learns of the revolver, whose name is Zerozero Nanashiki (007-shki), and she teams up with him to defeat the halberd tsukumogami Reishiki (0-shiki), who has been killing people for the past few hundred years. (Source: ANN)
It follows the story of the original game closely without major deviation, although some events are shortened.
It tells Yamato's past prior to the Purge of Polaris.
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