Based on the video game series, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, an evil entity from beyond the grave, decimates the countryside in the name of Ambrosia. One of the victims of his attacks was the parents of a boy named Otsuna. He seeks revenge with his Kusudaryugan sword techniques. Along the way, he meets Haohmaru, who mainly chooses to ignore the devastation in the country. However, after he witnesses how twisted the populace has become, he mends his arrogant ways and goes to slay Amakusa. (Source: SNK Wikia)
Dool and Tatsuki are a demon hunters. Living like ordinary people in the daylight, they secretly hunt down demons when they sense them. They find an old lady with a small girl with supernatural power. Tatsuki, as someone who is also a small child and has special powers, relates to the girl and tries to guide her to live happily among the people. Suddenly they are attacked while talking, but are saved by another mysterious man. Tatsuki tries to get to know him, but finds out the reason that mysterious man has come is to seek revenge for someone he loved and that Tatsuki is the mans target. Note: There is another story included at the back of the manga called Elnera. It is about a sea demon called Elnera and the love between a human boy and Elnera's daughter.
Hai hu, is a rich playboy during the day. At night, he is hero for the people, known as the Sea Tiger. He fights a world renown organization lead by Blue Dream. Blue Dream wanted to conquer the world and destroy everything on Earth so that it could be restored into an unpolluted state like it used to be. Full of action, drama and mind-twisting plot.
This manga picks up the story of Napoleon's life from "Napoleon: Lion's Era." The story begins in 1800, shortly after Napoleon has consolidated his power as the First Consul. It starts with a bang, with the tragic assassination attempt known as the plot of Rue Saint-Nicaise, and the subsequent attempt to find those responsible. As Napoleon gains ever more power, the era of the Napoleonic Empire is almost ready to begin! (Source: MangaHelpers)
A collection of short manga stories by various artists based on the PS2 video game, Wild Arms 3.
The year is 2199. The once blue and green planet Earth has been reduced to a radioactive desert wasteland by constant attacks by the hostile aliens from the planet Gamilus which force the remaining population underground. However, a friendly alien race from the planet Iscandar contacts the humans and gives them the blueprints to build a powerful space battleship capable of retrieving a device to clean the planet before humanity disappears. The United Nations Cosmo Navy—whose space fleets have been decimated by Gamilas forces—resurrects the long-sunken battleship Yamato and applies the alien technology to its interior, transforming it into the vessel for which the series is named: Space Battleship Yamato. (Source: Wikipedia)
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