As the continuation of Zeta Gundam, this series once again follows the story of the Anti Earth Union Group (AEUG) battleship Argama after Zeta's final episode. To fight off the Axis Zeon, now called the Neo Zeon, Captain Bright Noa recruits a group of teenage junk collectors led by the loudmouthed but powerful Newtype Judau Ashta to pilot the Argama's mobile suits. Now sporting a line up of the behemoth MSZ-010 Double Zeta Gundam and the returning MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam, RX-178 Gundam Mk-II and Gundam-like MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki, the group is nicknamed the Gundam Team. As such, this became the first of a number of Gundam series where a team of Gundam mobile suits fight alongside each other regularly. The climax takes place at Side 3 in the Battle of Axis. (Source: Gundam Wikia)
One day, as Suzuri was walking past a river, she suddenly saw a HUGE peach slowly flowing! Due to the fact she has not eaten since the start of her journey, she decided to just conclude the huge peach was a god sent and did the most logical thing anyone would have done—eat it. However, just as she had her first bite, a young male jumps out of the peach! And before Suzuri knows it, she's the 18th master to Momo who could do anything that Suzuri commands! What kind of danger would they encounter on their journey as they face a god that goes by the name Kyuui? And what dark secret does Momo have!? (Source: Sakura-Crisis)
A mysterious disease is spreading amongst the reyvateils causing them to go berserk, the key to stopping them lies in the hands of Espada reid, the only problem is he hates reyvateils, will he be able to stop the reveris illness?
The story is set in a futuristic and peaceful world made possible thanks to the invention of the Manifestation Engine, which solved an energy crisis five years prior. On the island of Izu Oshima, Akane Isshiki lives a peaceful life with her family. When the world is threatened by an alien force known as the Alone, Akane is given a special key by her grandfather, Kenjirou, which allows her to access the Vivid System, which grants her special powers. Joined by her friends Aoi, Wakaba and Himawari, Akane fights to protect the world from the Alone.
A scientist finds a brain in an alley and implants it into the body of his beloved, Nina. It turns out the brain belonged to a boy, Misumi Yutaka, and he is none too happy to find himself in a female body. What happened to Yutaka's body and why was his brain in the middle of an alley? What will happen to "Nina" when the female parts of "her" body start to have an effect on "his" mind? You'll have to read to find out. (Source: MU)
When she merges her soul with that man, she will become the Goddess of War! Itsukushima Hinata is a cool high school girl who lives a normal life, but one day, all of a sudden, her life became not so normal anymore. The strange man that suddenly appeared insulted her best friend and enraged her. He's a mysterious man who has a costume like that of someone who just woke up from a sleep from the ancient times. While Hinata is still confused, that man hugs her out of the blue! And then, she transforms...?! (Source: Aerandria Scans)
Before wizards or magic, the world was filled with girls. But one day the girls disappeared and now only wizards remain. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication have instituted a system that calls for a national census every five years in order to monitor and assess the growing wizard population. Two full-time agents have been assigned to this task by special appointment of the minister, and now must visit each household! Join them in this tale of bureaucratic bungling in a magical land! (Source: MU)
From a small lake nestled in a secluded forest far from the edge of town something strange emerged one day: Three young girls. The three girls, Shem, Hamu and Japheth, are sisters from another world. Equipped with magical powers, they are charged with saving all the creatures of Earth from becoming extinct. However, there is someone or something sinister trying to stop them. While saving our world from destruction, these sisters live like normal human girls: They go to school, work at a flower shop, hang around with friends and even fall in love... (Source: Tokyopop)
A collection of 12 short stories published in one volume by Shogakukan in 1988. A fantasy about a middle-aged office worker who trains every day in order to become Japan's first astronaut. This work also includes earlier short stories, such as Beta!!. (Source: Wikipedia)
On a primitive planet with fauna similar to Terran dinosaurs and Ice Age critters, one of the angolmois energy capsules spread by the explosion of the Nemesis has affected the locals. A gang of evil dinosaurs have been transformed into Destrons, and a battered Lioconvoy is too injured to stop them. So he transfers his energy into a mammoth named Big, charging him with continuing the good fight. (Source: Dave's Transformers Page). Contains 9 manga chapters and 3 text stories.
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