The story follows a boy named Muoru who has been falsely arrested and sent to a cemetery to perform forced labor. There, he calls himself the "grave keeper" and meets a beautiful girl named Meria. Muoru becomes fascinated with Meria as he spends his days digging a hole containing the undead monster named "The Dark." (Source: Baka-Tsuki)
Folklore detective Asou Daisuke would rather deal with normal, everyday, things like cheating spouses, embezzling partners and the like. Because whenever he deals with the supernatural, he gets the hiccups. But no matter, an endless stream of desperate people come to him troubled by what he calls allegories. Those are stories, usually urban legends, that one believes to be true and if one believes strong enough can cause them to become true. His first case involves "The Man Under The Bed." Can he stop this creepy man with an axe before he chops up Hiranuma Kanae? Why does Asou count his hiccups and just who is that strange girl in his bathroom? (Source: MU)
Included one-shot: Volume 2: Blue Spring
An average high school student, Mana, somehow manages to travels back in time to the Warring States Period. After an encounter with General Uesugi Masatora, he decides to protect her from his rival, Takeda Shingen, who is set on targetting Mana. With Mana knowing the outcome of the war, will she change the future?
Jun Shiraishi has longed for years to be friends with another girl, something she tells a guy who tries to ask her out one day. Spurred on by his feelings for her, he grants her wish by cross-dressing and making friends with her as "Nai." (Source: KissManga)
One-hundred years after the end of a war between the major humanoid races (human, elf, orc, dwarf) an orc and a princess knight are in an unlikely relationship.
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